Level: Level 1
ISBN: 9789768185679
No of pages: 75
About this series:

This series, Practising Comprehension, focuses on the Primary School Level, Second Year Infant to Eleven Plus stage. The series is designed specifically to improve pupils’ ability to understand and to respond to texts which they may read. The material also provides scope for developing skills in answering both multiple choice and free response questions.

The selections have been guided by the following concerns:

  • the suitability to the age, interests and reading level of the pupils.
  • their capacity to stimulate interest and provide a gender balance.

The wide range of pieces provide scope for pupils to identify literal meanings as well as to make inferences.

The wide range of pieces with questions are preceded by the teaching of the following key comprehension skills: identifying main idea, recalling facts , determining sequences, words in context, drawing conclusions and making inferences. The key to this series is reinforcing skills through instruction, practice and assessment.

Pupils should be encouraged to read each selection carefully before attempting to answer the questions. Through guided discussion growing out of the piece, both students and teachers can achieve a shared experience in understanding and appreciating the selections.

It is hoped that this series will enhance pupils’ confidence and improve their ability to comprehend a wide range of contextual material they will encounter in their daily reading, and that those who use it will find it useful and rewarding.