Level: Infant 2
ISBN: 978-9768251-53-4
No of pages: 181
About this series:
The series of books “Making Science Fun” has been developed to match the requirements of the new Primary School Science Curriculum for Trinidad and Tobago for Levels Infant 1 to Standard 5. Each level provides:
  • total coverage of the syllabus
  • activities geared to reinforce the concepts and develop science process skills
  • a summary of science facts
  • end of chapter questions
This unusual book enables children to think like a scientist. The section “I am a young scientist” seeks to develop the Science process skills in a fun way.  The activities are carefully planned to bring about the important concepts of Science.  What better way of learning Science than by doing?  The book at times incorporates song and poetry. In the end, it is hoped that the young minds of our children would become more curious, more inquiring and we would produce citizens who are creative and world leaders in the field of Science.

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